For : Manufacturer of biotechnology / life science reagents and instruments, distributors, dealers.
This service provides solution for the customers who have following troubles or expectations.
- Wish to know best distributors in Japan.
- Wish to expand more sales in Japan.
- Wish to know the regulation for import in Japan.
- I do not need a Japan branch but wish to have an agent for collecting information.
Want more sales in Japan?
As you know, it takes a time to penetrate your products and services into Japan.
Not only language barrier, but there are many laws to comply. These make you to prepare many documents.
We are here to support you.
(1) Introduction of best distributor in Japan
(2) Marketing in Japan
(3) Import regulation and law
(4) Work as your adviser
Considering to have a branch in Japan?
Before having a branch in Japan, please rethink if it is worth establishing.
There are many steps to found a company in Japan and comply with many laws. Costs are also problem – tax, insurance, office rent fee and etc. It may possible that you cannot recover investment.
We are here to help you – we can work as your company’s Japan agent.
Just ask us!