Thank you for visiting our website, this is Masaki Kasahara, President of MJ Science Support Inc.

Life Science and Biotechnology research is being well develped thanks to the hard works of all researchers. However, a tons of “unknown (unsolved) phenomenon” still lied in the world. These phenomenon must be solved by newly developed technologies, developments, reagents and instruments.

What is needed for developing new technologies, reagents and instruments? You may hit on many ideas – For me, I believe following contents are most important factors.

(1) Keep your time for new researches, developments and improvements.
(2) Get “valuable information” in a sea of information.

We appreciate the technology improvements and accumulation of information on internet. However, this makes it difficult to choose what information is beneficial for your research. On another front, manufacturers have to spend much money and time to send information. I am confident that this leads the delay of new findings.

Our services, are “supports for markting and sending information” for biotechnology and life science industry and group. However, by intermediating as a third party, the information enhances persuasive ability and will be matched to researchers’ all needs.
We hope, our services contribute to boost your sales and activate the life science markets.

As we are “very” young company, so thank you for your supports and generous understandings for our company.

April, 2021
Masaki Kasahara, Master of Medical Science
President of MJ Science Support Inc.